Things changed quickly when I got a wonderful job from art school and we moved again, this time to a much nicer apartment to the middle of the city. I loved that apartment and I was happy there. Sometimes I still see dreams about it. We planted herbs, painted two walls tomato red, had some good celebrations with friends and we got a cat and an aquarium. I was too busy to take photos and in summer 2008 it was time to leave.

I found a small apartment from Pispala. Two rooms and bathroom, first room was kitchen/laundry room and hallway in same time, the other was my living room and bedroom. It was in the cellar floor, so my rooms were partly underground and there was a window with a view of wall that was later built. It was almost hundred years old house and there was always cold and mice eating the trash. By that time I had two cats, so mice were not a problem. However, sleeping with wool socks, long sleeved shirt, trousers and three blankets is not fun. My neighbors were wonderful and I made some friends while living there, but I had to leave half year later due problems with the landlord. ...Yes, I love the last photo. No, I don't have any idea what is going on in there.
En ole varma, mutta tuosta on joskus puhuttu mitä tuossa tapahtui. Kuvan ottaja muistanee paremmin (olisiko Santun ottama kuva? tilanne näyttää siltä).