sunnuntai 27. helmikuuta 2011
Goodfellas (1990) is an old style gangster movie with wonderful actors and lots of violence, fancy suits and swearing. The movie is based on a book written by Nicholas Pileggi, who started his career as a journalist specially interested of mafia. Characters are based on real people and it is said that actors had real life mafia guys helping out with scenes all the time during filming. Many of the scenes were improvised and the movie itself seems easy going, perhaps because of real expressions of surprise or anger while filming. Goodfellas is number 17 at Imdbs list. ****/*****

100 things and then some more
Have you heard of guy named Dave?
He lived for a year with just 100 things (not counting things that all in the family used) to "break free of American-style consumerism". While I know I couldn't do the same unless I would move to another country or live in some hut middle of nowhere where it would be impossible to have all the things I have, I admire his effort.
Some of you may know I used to catalog all I had in my fridge now and then and keep lists of all kind of things I had (how many violet clothes, how many shoes, how many plants and so on). I find it interesting to see the changes in my own lifestyle. Next list was made 2.5.2008. I try to translate it to English at some point.
Lista jääkaapin sisällöstä 2.5.2008
- rasiallinen oivariini -voita /margarine
- sitruunamehua / lemon juice
- mätitahnatuubi / roe paste
- väkevää sinappia tuubissa / strong mustard
- väkevää konjakkisinappia / strong cognac mustard
- Harissa -tahnaa
- paketti omenatupakkaa /apple tobacco
- HP -kastiketta / HP sauce
- kiinalaista soijakastiketta / soy sauce
- seesamiöljyä pullollinen / sesam oil
- thai sweet chili sauce -pullo
- hyla-maitoa / lactose free milk
- kevytmaitoa / semi-skimmed milk
- täysmaitoa / whole milk
- rypsiöljyä / canola oil
- sekamehutiivistettä kanisterillinen / juice concentrate
- kannullinen vettä / water
- mummun mehun jämät / juice made by my grandmother
- kaksi kaljaa/ two bottles of beer
- laatikollinen porkkanoita / box full of carrots
- puolikas sian sydän / half of pig's heart
- perunamuusin jämät / leftover mashed potatoes
- hillosipuleita / pickled onions
- kreikkalaisia pepperoneja / pepperons
- mango chutneyta
- viisi kananmunaa / five eggs
- bataatti / sweet potato
- vajaa kilo ananaspaloja / little less than 1 kg of pineapple chunks
- rasiallinen ituja / box of sprouts
- puolikas valkosipuli / half garlic
- leivontamargariinia / margarine of baking
- saunapalvia / spiced meat stuff
- herkkupaisti / roast
- ketsuppia / ketchup
- hampurilaiskastiketta / hamburger sauce
- sinappia purkissa / more mustard
- hot salsa dip -purkki
- sinappia pullossa / and still more mustard
- purkki soodaa / baking soda
- puolukkahilloa / cowberry jam
- vadelmamarmeladia / raspberry jam
- luumumarmeladia / plum jam
I wonder why I had four packages of mustard and three different kind of milk there. Oh well, you never know...Next list is what I have in my fridge right now.
Lista jääkaapin sisällöstä 27.2.2011
- kevytmaitoa / semi skimmed milk
- mango chili -soosia / mango chili sauce
- pippuriketsuppia / pepper ketchup
- majoneesia/ mayonnaise
- kaksi purkkia red curry -maustetahnaa
- lemon curd -purkki
- mangocurry -soosia
- limua (kolaa) / coke
- tölkillinen kaljaa / beer
- minttusuklaa -likööriä pullo/ mint chocolate liqueur
- mangokanariisi-mössön jämät / leftover mango-chicken-rice dish
- kuusi kananmunaa/ six eggs
- oivariinia rasiallinen / margarine
- raparperimehu -tiivistettä pullollinen / rhubarb juice concentrate
- juoksevaa margariinia pullo / liquid margarine
- thai -marinoitua kanaa paketti / chicken in thai marinade
- vadelmahilloa (itsetehtyä) / self made raspberry jam
- "perinteistä" salaatinkastiketta pullo / "traditional" salad dressing
- pakastelokerossa pinaattia, wokvihanneksia ja kalapuikkoja / in the freezer: spinach, wok vegetables and fish sticks
He lived for a year with just 100 things (not counting things that all in the family used) to "break free of American-style consumerism". While I know I couldn't do the same unless I would move to another country or live in some hut middle of nowhere where it would be impossible to have all the things I have, I admire his effort.
Some of you may know I used to catalog all I had in my fridge now and then and keep lists of all kind of things I had (how many violet clothes, how many shoes, how many plants and so on). I find it interesting to see the changes in my own lifestyle. Next list was made 2.5.2008. I try to translate it to English at some point.
Lista jääkaapin sisällöstä 2.5.2008
- rasiallinen oivariini -voita /margarine
- sitruunamehua / lemon juice
- mätitahnatuubi / roe paste
- väkevää sinappia tuubissa / strong mustard
- väkevää konjakkisinappia / strong cognac mustard
- Harissa -tahnaa
- paketti omenatupakkaa /apple tobacco
- HP -kastiketta / HP sauce
- kiinalaista soijakastiketta / soy sauce
- seesamiöljyä pullollinen / sesam oil
- thai sweet chili sauce -pullo
- hyla-maitoa / lactose free milk
- kevytmaitoa / semi-skimmed milk
- täysmaitoa / whole milk
- rypsiöljyä / canola oil
- sekamehutiivistettä kanisterillinen / juice concentrate
- kannullinen vettä / water
- mummun mehun jämät / juice made by my grandmother
- kaksi kaljaa/ two bottles of beer
- laatikollinen porkkanoita / box full of carrots
- puolikas sian sydän / half of pig's heart
- perunamuusin jämät / leftover mashed potatoes
- hillosipuleita / pickled onions
- kreikkalaisia pepperoneja / pepperons
- mango chutneyta
- viisi kananmunaa / five eggs
- bataatti / sweet potato
- vajaa kilo ananaspaloja / little less than 1 kg of pineapple chunks
- rasiallinen ituja / box of sprouts
- puolikas valkosipuli / half garlic
- leivontamargariinia / margarine of baking
- saunapalvia / spiced meat stuff
- herkkupaisti / roast
- ketsuppia / ketchup
- hampurilaiskastiketta / hamburger sauce
- sinappia purkissa / more mustard
- hot salsa dip -purkki
- sinappia pullossa / and still more mustard
- purkki soodaa / baking soda
- puolukkahilloa / cowberry jam
- vadelmamarmeladia / raspberry jam
- luumumarmeladia / plum jam
I wonder why I had four packages of mustard and three different kind of milk there. Oh well, you never know...Next list is what I have in my fridge right now.
Lista jääkaapin sisällöstä 27.2.2011
- kevytmaitoa / semi skimmed milk
- mango chili -soosia / mango chili sauce
- pippuriketsuppia / pepper ketchup
- majoneesia/ mayonnaise
- kaksi purkkia red curry -maustetahnaa
- lemon curd -purkki
- mangocurry -soosia
- limua (kolaa) / coke
- tölkillinen kaljaa / beer
- minttusuklaa -likööriä pullo/ mint chocolate liqueur
- mangokanariisi-mössön jämät / leftover mango-chicken-rice dish
- kuusi kananmunaa/ six eggs
- oivariinia rasiallinen / margarine
- raparperimehu -tiivistettä pullollinen / rhubarb juice concentrate
- juoksevaa margariinia pullo / liquid margarine
- thai -marinoitua kanaa paketti / chicken in thai marinade
- vadelmahilloa (itsetehtyä) / self made raspberry jam
- "perinteistä" salaatinkastiketta pullo / "traditional" salad dressing
- pakastelokerossa pinaattia, wokvihanneksia ja kalapuikkoja / in the freezer: spinach, wok vegetables and fish sticks
tiistai 22. helmikuuta 2011
Just a minute in February
Making...a mess
Reading...WikiHow articles
Listening...Groove FM
Loving...someone I shouldn't
Reading...WikiHow articles
Listening...Groove FM
Loving...someone I shouldn't
just a minute,
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